Wednesday, 16 May 2012


I always wondered why artists talk so much about 'color'.  I used to think, what's the big deal?  Well, reproducing a color is really difficult it turns out. There are entire books on this topic... so here is a brief list of some things I've learned since paying attention to colors:

It's difficult to objectively see a color.
It's difficult to mix paints to reproduce colors.
It's almost impossible to reproduce colors with photography.
The same digital photograph of a color will look different on different screens.
The same digital photograph will print different colors on different printers.

What an impossible situation!  The above colors are all different photographs taken within 10 minutes of eachother of the exact same painted acrylic card (from my last post).  I got everything from grey to light blue, and the actual color was closest to the above middle shot, a dark blue.  That shot was produced by using the manual settings on my camera for the first time ever.  It was actually the first time in my life I had ever used the manual settings on any camera and I had no idea what I was doing.  Fun! - I'll be experimenting with my camera a lot more now.

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